The imperative of civic education

Letter September 09, 2024
The imperative of civic education


As Youval Noah Harari states, we are living in the age of digital revolution where every facet of our lives is shaped by technology, and the boundaries of our societies are redefined by digital innovations. However, no one can deny that our modern day, tech-swayed and digitally revolutionised societies are grappling with numerous pressing dilemmas. Keeping aside the immeasurable economic crisis and fragile political setup in vogue, the conundrum that genuinely undermines the core foundations of our societies is the glaring dearth of civic education. Civic education is basically the process of teaching and learning about the rights, responsibilities and functions of citizenship and governance within a society. Through such instruction, the general public becomes aware of their relationship with society at large and their specific interactions with government and administration. Without this crucial knowledge, addressing the complexities of our evolving world becomes profoundly compromised.

It is a bitter reality that when societies lack civic education, the masses often plunge themselves into a state of irresponsibility, which eventually gives rise to a myriad of interconnected social problems. Unfortunately, the current precarious state of our society is a testimony to this fact. We live in a society where civic education is rarely a focal point. Throughout our academic and educational journey, from the first day of school to the final graduation, civic education is often conspicuously absent. This lack of focus on civic responsibilities fosters a detachment from the principles that underpin a well-functioning society. Without this crucial component, we find ourselves drifting further into disarray, and consequently, a widespread ailment lurks on the corner of our society.

Therefore, to address this pressing issue, it is pertinent to educate the public on fundamental rights and responsibilities and the principles of governance. Incorporating comprehensive civic education into school curricula is a crucial step toward bridging this gap and fostering a well-informed citizenry. Additionally, organising community sessions, seminars, workshops and awareness programmes can yield positive outcomes in raising public understanding and engagement.

In a nutshell, investing in this fundamental aspect of education is not only a commitment to our current citizens but also a pledge to cultivate a more informed, engaged and resilient society for future generations. Thus, it is high time to prioritise this crucial education to fortify the pillars of our modern society, alongside advancing technical and digital innovations.

Vijay Kumar
