Thalassemia in Turbat

Letter August 23, 2024
Thalassemia in Turbat


In Turbat town of Balochistan, a large number of people are suffering from thalassemia. While patients suffering from this genetic blood disorder require regular blood transfusions to survive, the availability of blood is severely limited in Turbat due to a high prevalence of this disease there. The lack of blood supply has become a major obstacle in the treatment of thalassemia patients, leaving them vulnerable to fatal consequences.

According to a local researcher, nearly 12% of the population in Turbat is affected by thalassemia in what is one of the highest prevalence rates in the world. This is due to a combination of factors, including consanguineous marriages; lack of awareness; and limited access to healthcare. As a result, many children in Turbat are born with thalassemia major, a severe form of the disease that requires regular blood transfusions and can lead to premature death if left untreated. Efforts are being made to raise awareness and provide screening and treatment services, but more needs to be done to address this critical health issue in Turbat.

Munaeza Nasir
