Growing brain drain

Letter May 23, 2024
Growing brain drain


Departure of educated and talented individuals from the country, meant for better opportunities abroad, continues. Every year, a considerable number of Pakistani youth leave the country to pursue a better future, and the numbers keep on increasing each year. It is because, while little or no opportunities are available to them at home, countries like the US and Canada are relaxing their policies for student and work visas.

It looks as if the government encourages the flight of human capital from the country, as a large chunk of our revenue comes from foreign remittances. The government does not want to let that go off its hands. Also, it is the easiest way for the government to earn compared to creating job opportunities and encouraging startups for the youth.

While brain drain is a major problem, the lack of work opportunities in the country further leads to social decay. The youth, when burdened with responsibilities and constrained by limited opportunities, often turns to illegal and immoral ways to fulfil those responsibilities. It causes an increase in street crimes and drug abuse, which is evident in the streets of Karachi. If the situation persists, my land of the pure may soon become the land of the impure, as there would be no one left to correct the wrongdoers.

I, therefore, request the government to intervene and adopt ways to channel the youth’s potential by creating job opportunities, encouraging small businesses, and equipping the youth with the skills and education needed to flourish in their respective fields.

Ruqayya Kandhro


Published in The Express Tribune, May 23rd, 2024.

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