Delayed bus project

Letter May 21, 2024
Delayed bus project


The delay in the completion of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Red Line project is causing problems to the citizens of Karachi. The revised deadline of June 2026 for the completion of this project is unacceptable and will only exacerbate the suffering of millions of people who rely on this route for their daily commute.

The ongoing construction work has caused severe disruptions, including dug-up roads, open drains and excessive dust, posing serious health hazards. The dust and smoke generated by the jammed traffic are causing severe health issues, particularly respiratory problems and eye irritation. Moreover, the mental well-being of the people is also affected due to the stress and anxiety caused by the daily struggle to navigate through the congested and hazardous roads.

It is unacceptable that the residents of Karachi have to endure these hardships for an extended period due to the delay in the Red Line project. The government must take immediate action to expedite the construction process.

Usama Ghulam Rasool


Published in The Express Tribune, May 22nd, 2024.

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