Verbose statements

Letter May 11, 2024
Verbose statements


The recent talks between Hamas and Israel bore no fruit as the former wants a long-term truce whereas the latter has no intention of halting its murderous campaign. Tel Aviv has made all its preparations to unleash its forces in the southern Rafah. The rationale is clear: to finish off Hamas and free the hostages held in Gaza. Neither Israel nor its allies which supply arms and funds to it care how many innocent, beleaguered and precious Palestinian lives are lost in the name of so-called defence against Hamas.

The Muslim world is doing nothing but issuing mere verbose statements. No Muslim country has taken any action against the Zionist state other than condemning the assault. The Muslim world should learn from South Africa, Bolivia and Colombia which have snapped ties with Tel Aviv. These states have no religious or cultural ties with Palestine, yet they exhibit great solidarity with the hapless Gazans.

Shehzad Ahmed Brohi


Published in The Express Tribune, May 11th, 2024.

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