Forced careers

Letter December 09, 2021
Forced careers


In Pakistan, many teenagers are not permitted to explore their interests and talents. Instead, parents chose specific career paths for their children and instruct them to follow the same. There is also an absence of proper career counselling at educational institutions. Most students do not receive guidance or support during their early stages of education. Therefore, they resort to pursuing their parents’ chosen career paths.

In recent years, mounting pressure from parents, teachers and examinations has pushed students to commit suicide if they fail to achieve the desired results. Most students are unable to perform well in examinations or professions because they do not have adequate knowledge of these careers. Pakistan is the fifth most populous country in the world with 69% of the population below the age of 30. Thus, there is an abundance of labour supply but a scarcity of adequate career choices. Consequently, most people end up in less satisfactory careers because only those that meet all requirements make it in their chosen professions.

Forced careers as an outcome of parental pressure or socio-economic conditions have reduced the overall productivity levels and economic output of the country. It also contributes to the increase in young professionals seeking education and employment overseas to improve their prospects. In the long term, this can result in a massive brain drain from the country. There is an urgent need to rectify this issue and introduce adequate career counselling in educational institutions across the country.

Hammal Zahid


Published in The Express Tribune, December 10th, 2021.

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