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According to the World Health Organization, each year an estimated number of 325 million people worldwide are infected with viral hepatitis B and C. And close to 1.4 million people lose their lives to this chronic disease (WHO). Lack of awareness and prevention are the prime reasons for the spread of the disease. However, it is preventable, treatable and curable if detected early. In order to cater to issues pertaining to hepatitis, Express Media Group and Pakistan Society for the Study of Liver Diseases (PSSLD) have joined hands amidst the pandemic, to run an awareness session on July 19, 2020. Sponsored by Hilton Pharma and Hinucon, the Webinar will host various esteemed speakers as well as liver specialists, and will feature scientific talks on the causes, prevention, screening, vaccination and treatment of Hepatitis and Covid-19.
Event Live Session Link : www.facebook.com/etribune