The historical events leading up to Brexit would have made more sense in the film once the UK actually left the EU.
After what has been a tough, at times even bleak year for Pakistan, Pakistani Twitter has perhaps never been better.
It’s hard to think of any other player who has brought so many innovations to the game and has shots attributed...
While he remains at the helm of Pakistani politics, the status quo’s ‘business as usual’ will not proceed any...
It was midnight of the New Year; a new chapter of their life had just begun & they had to ensure it wasn’t their last
Zainab’s unfortunate incident changed the narrative, but we are still unable to start a dialogue for survivors.
We have to ask ourselves whether ‘development’ and the need to make Karachi the next Dubai is worth the cost.
It is evident that rape and a woman's honour are used as a mere catalyst for a possible moral flip of the protagonist
The PPP-led Sindh government boasts of how much it has done, but their effort makes their governance seem like a joke.
Would I say the world is becoming scarier everyday? Probably yes! Do we live in hope of a better future? We must.