The highpoints are the grand and ostentatious battles; to call them epic is an understatement to say the least.
Here is why I think that the Game of Thrones will, once again, take the sought-after award over the House of Cards.
Hollywood only churns out movies that always demonstrate the American forces not as invaders but rather as liberators.
This is proof that Pakistan cinema too is capable of producing an intelligently crafted and engaging spy thriller.
The movie doesn’t exactly transcend its genre led clichés but it does offer quality entertainment in bucket loads
The movie should be seen as a catalyst to bring attention of relevant authorities towards the menace of child brides.
After Homeland, this show has all that is needed to whet the appetite of its audience and leave them craving more.
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During the Karachi Airport attack, many users tweeted incorrect or exaggerated death tolls - this is very insensitive.
The movie takes its time to unveil the monster but the wait is worth your while. It's way better than the 1998...