Blogs from Butool Hisam
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Karachi, its violence and the death of a friend
This is the worth of a human life in our city today. A meaningful life reduced to a number.
What would Iqbal think?
Iqbal believed that unity was our greatest gift from Islam. Today, we use that very religion to kill others.
These emergency responses might save your life
Trauma is one of the leading causes of death in Pakistan, and the lack of a disaster response system is appalling.
Lessons from a halaqa in the US: There is more to Islam than we 'think'
When extremism is shaking the very foundation of our country, Islamic knowledge is perhaps the most powerful weapon.
Forget NUST, our Baloch brethren need our help
NUST was top trend on Twitter while over 300 died in Balochistan the same day. Did this bother you?