Nothing like the satisfaction of watching people react to what you said, hearing a retort or answering back, right?
The Khan’s are swinging in with details about how they’re ready to reconcile, but the evil bahu isn’t!
Kazakh airport officials refused to accept the existence of New Zealand, insisting that it was a state in Australia.
Reports of hate crimes are on the rise as people with no understanding of how citizenship and genes work call names.
In the age of ChaiWalas and QandeelBaloch, you doctors are doing a very poor job of getting your message to the public
Kinnaird’s bad reputation comes mostly from the fact that it is a safe space for women.
Has anyone seen a female manning a chicken shop? Are women the only section of society responsible for limiting waste?
Women only watch television to stare at men (though that’s been pretty well established in the aforementioned fatwa).
Don’t let controversy be the only thing that gives you a pause. Stop rewarding trolls and harassers, guys!
Your number is close, you get in line and someone decides that they need to cut in front of you.