Blogs from Adil Siddiqui
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Iss parcham ke saaye talay
There are people still against the operation. But having survived 2 suicide bombings, I know this is our war to fight.
Rich people, doing rich things in poor Pakistan
"There should be four children born in slums to maintain the standard of one child born in your house."
Lessons from the US: Be kind to animals!
I was criticised for my concern for animals because apparently, in Pakistan only caring about humans is acceptable.
Drinking straight from the tap and courteous officers: Surprises in the US
Abroad neighbourhoods are built around schools, while in Pakistan, neighbourhoods are determined by police stations!
Can you imagine a Pakistan without Jinnah, Iqbal or Khan?
The one thing that all these revolutionary figures have in common is that their life and death has been for Pakistan.