Blogs from Samar Esapzai
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The problem isn't good cop, bad cop, the problem is the systematic racism in US police
African-American kids are supposed to be a nuisance. They are supposed to wreak havoc and become criminals.
How social media is saving lives in Nepal
What started out as a simple means to stay connected with people has now evolved into helping and saving lives.
What happened when 20 men in Afghanistan wore burqas?
I salute them for standing up for women whose voices and efforts have been ignored, disparaged, and dismissed.
I stand in solidarity with Patricia Arquette
Patricia Arquette was only stating the obvious; gender wage gap is indeed a huge problem in America regardless of race
The well-remembered Gandhi, but the oft-forgotten Bacha Khan
The great leader is remarkably absent from many Pakistani history books — or, worse, referred to in passing.
Reham Khan versus ex-husband: Who is the saint and the sinner?
They blatantly stated that Reham Khan is 'lying' about being abused and that she made it up for public's attention.
An 'Islamic Halloween costume'? Really, Walmart?
No, all Pashtuns are not “Taliban-like” with long beards! Your depiction of Pashtun culture is ignorant and offensive.
Can a woman in Pakistan play sports without being sexually harassed?
It is no surprise that young girls have no choice but to hide whatever sexual advances have been imposed on them.
For the last time, Germany did not "rape" Brazil!
Since when did rape become a referral to something good? Something positive or something funny?
Aerial firing: "If Shahid Afridi's brother can do it, so can I!"
Fans will start following Afridi's brother and believe aerial firing is ‘cool’. It is not 'cool', it is...