Over half of the themes openly insult the intelligence of educated Pakistani viewership who wait to be entertained.
Despite the dismal state of domestic politics, Nawaz Sharif made sure the world knew what Pakistan expected of the UN.
These anti-Modi sentiments were amply displayed in New York as the Sikh, Patel and Kashmiri groups heatedly protested.
“This doesn’t look like it belongs to our goat,” she told him. “I think Raja Bhai got the boxes mixed up.”
The likelihood that other groups keen to damage Pakistani interest by riding on TTP's waves cannot be brushed aside.
All students who are aspiring to enter a really sought after college must be academically assessed on an equal footing
Mr Khan, it's unfair to curtail the lady’s talents. Would you have made the same announcement had your candidate won?
“Muslims writers often fan negative thoughts and instigate passive social uprisings amongst Muslim communities.”
Viewing singles events in the context of Pakistan could be a breath of fresh air in the present matchmaking scene.
Reham Khan's inclusion in PTI is political in nature. It will only help cement political groundwork for her husband.