An Israeli professor stated that the best way to fight Palestine is to rape their women. Has Israel lost all humanity?
Malala Yousafzai is a Yahoodi agent slash drama slash American drone.
In the video, the maid slams the infant on a bean bag, holds him up like a dead animal and swings him every which way.
9-month-old baby charged for attempted murder, 12-month-old told to appear in court for wall chalking, what’s next?
No one condones adultery but to think that prayer is going to prevent it is like singing a song to make it rain.
Maulvi Sarfaraz poured kerosene over the child’s feet and set them on fire to 'save her soul'. From typhoid?!
A mother killed her two children due to poverty even though they lived an affluent lifestyle in an expensive house.
Our culture glorifies men displaying machismo and bravado. Anyone who wants to avoid a fight is called a sissy.
While it is women the Taliban have openly attacked, there is no female representative in the 'peace talks'. Why?
The kind of brutality Rangers' officials have been privy to should not be taken lightly by any court of law.