The two types of rape reflects how we feel about rape when it happens to people near us or far away from us.
Much of the anger came from PTI supporters who felt betrayed that this might be Khan’s choice of life partner.
"We hope to make it even bigger and better next year. We’ll hold anti-Malala processions and anti-Malala debates."
Farzana, a 25-year-old pregnant woman, was stoned to death by her family because she dared to marry of her own choice.
"The girl who made the condom dress is from Malakand." Yes, a real live dress made of hundreds of (unused) condoms!
You may call it a Paul Smith original but I call it stealing our cultural icon and pretending you came up with it.
I can personally vouch for Dr Laghari's zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism. There is more to this than we know.
The film takes the nonsense rhetoric of “us versus them” and blows it out of the water; definitely worth watching.
It takes a year of hard work to put this festival together but only a few offhand tweets or comments to tear it down.
In Quetta, the smell of death is strong and wails of grief ring in eerie echoes. This is what Qayamat looks like.