One cannot help but appreciate the admirable step taken to standardise, disseminate and promote swear words.
If you’re interested in buying fiction in English head over to The Last Word, or Readings.
In the span of one and a half week, the Beghairat Brigade went from having fun to being dead serious.
Although I am no fan of the politicised Nobel Prize, I am bloody pleased that Tomas Tranströmer was awarded this year.
Mere brother ki dulhan's ultimate message seems to be: Just relax, okay? Nothing’s changed in Bollywood at all.
We desperately need narratives of Karachi that do justice to its complex past.
When I first heard Ali Azmat has released a video called Bum Phatta, I laughed for about a week.
One thing about Dubai is you’re always temporary there.It is a piece of earth not amenable to setting one’s roots.
Humans often exhibit similar tendencies, especially when arguing against things they have no blasted clue about.
We have our own people creating beautiful fairytales about which most people are unaware