In The Dark Knight, frequent parallels were drawn between the Joker and Osama Bin Laden; this was later corrected...
The Quran urges the reader to deal with diversity through knowledge - not hatred or exclusive self-righteousness.
As a British Muslim student studying medicine I deeply disagree with this walkout.
We have become so religion-obsessed that we have forgotten cultural sectarianism mobilised by the MQM, PPP, and ANP.
Here's why everyone hates America: their foreign policy is fundamentally flawed!
Tunisian youths are teaching the world a lesson. Could be the end for autocratic Arab secularism?
Instead of deriding each other, secular and religious democrats in Pakistan should join forces.
Civic education cultivates skills that maximise political participation for citizens.
The mourning of this day should bring people of different creeds together rather than apart.
The most depressing tale is Pakistan's, where policy discussion is completely removed from the democratic process.