The UK has charged our tainted trio, which will likely lead to a lifetime ban - what a waste of incredible talent.
Is it not the right of the people to know what their leaders are planning?
We all know Musharraf is the big daddy of Pakistan's political 'social media' scene. Does anyone care but him?
Drinking may be illegal but it sure is fun - or at least that's what many young Pakistanis think.
"I am 75 years old, I do not have the strength of those young men to push around and fight for survival," a flood survivor in Makli tells me...
It is not democracy that we are not ready for - it is a lack of choice that has continued to paralyse Pakistan for over half a century.
Readers must understand that every article written has certain sentiments hidden backstage. Let’s not take catchily-written opinion pieces to be ‘ultimate truth.’