Blogs from Salman Latif
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Pak Tea House vs Let Us Build Pakistan: Just another talk show?
Brawls, hot words and name calling - a recent debate has turned the blogosphere ugly. Can dissent be civilized?
Sacrificing education for floods
If the education department remains low in our list of priorities, it will be disastrous both for the students and for the future of this nation.
Our cricket players did nothing wrong...
You and I have no right to tell our players what to do since they are doing what we have been doing. They are following a growing national trait of corruption.
Floods and selective silence in the blogosphere
The utterly careless, stolid response of the Pakistan media in general and the blogosphere in particular towards the flood disaster is appalling.
The problem with Balochistan
Bengalis had been neglected for decades and when the army started atrocities against them, their choice became obvious - separation. Balochistan may be next.
Typical PML-N responses to the Taliban question
Host: So how do you view the current turmoil in Pakistan? Rep: Alhamdulillah our government in Punjab is working wonders. Host: What about the terrorists that are rumored to be camped in Punjab? Rep: These are mere conspiracies pitched by those you are well aware of *wink*
A failing US Af-Pak policy
US Afghan strategy has been dealt one blow after another of late, and the war efforts seem to be faced with a much greater resistance and criticism, both from within and without. The Af-Pak policy seems to be in a serious jeopardy after the current stream of events.