Stories from Zahrah Nasir
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The ‘Why Tribe’
This tech savvy tribe is increasingly demanding to know why certain things are happening in Pakistan.
Living on a mountain
Due to the indisputable advent of ‘climate change’, survival on the mountains is getting tougher by the day.
The bitter truth
All Ammanullah really knows is a life surrounded by men, whose only employable trait is that of a gun.
Industrial hemp: Green industry
A single acre of this plant produces the same amount of cellulose fibre, used in papermaking, as 4.1 acres of trees!
Seeds of doom
Allowing even a single GMO variety to be marketed in Pakistan is to invite disaster in.
A wasted bounty
Wild fig fruit offerings, considered a luxury in many parts of the world, remain un-harvested and unappreciated.
Going, going, gone
Very few people are prepared to accept that a change of cropping patterns is essential if agriculture is to survive.
National disgrace
Work on the development of a farmhouse, infringing on the area of National Park began a year ago.
The suicidal ethnic divide
It's fairly obvious that everyone on “playing field” has forgotten that Pakistan is supposed to be a democracy.
The third coming
Rizwan hails from an Afghan village bordering Pakistan where, he explains, everyone in the village is the Taliban.