Stories from Zahrah Nasir
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Weather Patterns: Out of season
Standing at the threshold of 2011, it is pertinent to point out that our way of living has to change.
Up north and personal: This land is our land
Mountain dwellers must contend with developers that dig up scenic vistas.
Glacial nonsense
Suggesting that the floods were a direct result of human activity on the Siachen glacier is ludicrous.
From Russia with love
The ‘stuff’ people discard serves as an indicator of their economic well-being or lack of it as the case may be.
Clouds of smoke
Dawn was a magnificent rose pink and gold affair highlighting the jagged teeth of Dur Khaima...
No food to eat, and we are exporting it!
Pakistan has to import livestock for Eid because of the floods, on the other hand we are exporting beef to Malaysia.
Death wish
This ‘land of the pure’ appears to have a death wish, it is pertinent to suspect that very few nationals honestly care
Doomed efforts
Having exploited their own resources, ‘developed’ nations are shopping for what countries like Pakistan have to...
Imran Khan's, Kastle Khan
One wonders if Khan loathes his accent as much as he claims to loathe the implicit colonialism it clearly implies.
Rural Pakistan: Expect the unexpected
Who on earth invited Amy Winehouse to this little mountain wedding in rural Pakistan?!