Stories from Zahrah Nasir
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‘The Taliban are not us’
“Their ideology is completely different from ours. Such ideology is alien to all that is Afghan."
Beyond repair?
Pakistan needs to address the negative perception of playing double games which exists in the Afghan population.
Up north and personal: Up on the roof
A power outage leads to unexpected adventures.
Looking out on the Pir Panjal
The ‘Asian Brown Cloud’ is estimated to be responsible for over two million deaths annually in India alone.
Vertical expansion — at a cost
CAA's plans to allow building of towers around the Benazir Bhutto Airport is bound to have impact on the environment.
Darul Aman Palace: Unpeaceful abode
If the tragedy of modern Afghanistan could be encapsulated in a single building, it would be the Darul Aman Palace.
In a cold place
Absence of piped gas in majority of cold-prone area, gas loadshedding, people lack fuel, equipment to survive winter.
Up north and personal: Monkey business
Thanks to tourists, people have become monkey magnets in Galiyat.
The right to eat
In Pakistan, 48.6 per cent of the population no longer have access to adequate nutrition.
The drums of war
The possibility of permanent peace in our time and especially our region has been receding in recent years.