Stories from Tanuj Garg

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  • Leo’s Oscar obsession

    While archrival Eddie Redmayne sits quietly waiting for the big night, critics are sneering at Leo

  • Let’s keep talking

    To give Nawaz Sharif credit, he has initiated a probe on the basis of the evidence provided by India

  • Pathankot villains

    Stopping bilateral talks would mean playing right into the hands of the terrorists

  • NaMo, the Santa

    One has to compliment Modi for playing a cool Santa and bringing Christmas cheer to Pakistan on a cold Lahori evening

  • To err is Harvey

    I’m no prude but I don’t get why women need to be paraded in bikinis on stage

  • Flop show

    For a minute, I was aghast on reading about Kevin Pietersen being denied entry into a Qantas lounge for wearing thongs

  • Mouse trap

    The world’s most detested breed of rodents has made its way to the red planet

  • No more privacy

    BlackBerry has found a face-saving exit route from a market where it has only a few customers left

  • Being Aamir Khan

    The gross over-reaction to Aamir Khan's statement has only validated his deep-rooted fear about Indian intolerance

  • A faith hijacked

    France has experienced what the Syrians, Lebanese and Iraqis have been experiencing