Stories from Ishrat Ansari
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Merging tastebuds with care
The book unfolds health challenges faced by South Asians
Book review: The Keepers - A tale as old as time
Anoosha Lalani’s debut novel blends the story of Adam and Eve with fantasy
Educate girls to control population
An educated woman is confident and can make informed decisions regarding having children
Not so ‘fast’
This is a time to test our patience and practice the true spirit of Ramazan
Viral insight: How to prevent eye infections this summer
Summer means eye trouble; here‘s how you can fight infections
The digital revival of the Urdu language
The brains behind online portal Toffee TV are cementing ties to our mother tongue
Working while pregnant
Nowadays most doctors recommend it for a smooth and healthy pregnancy
‘Women should not work’
I found her answers laced with hate against women
How to become energy efficient
Campaign aims to create spaces in cities as nearly 75% of all population will be urbanised by 2050
Cesarean on Demand?
Regardless of how the baby is delivered, all doctors call for familial support and care