Stories from Ajaz Haque
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Karachi: a second Federal Capital Territory?
Karachi can and should be made a model city
Devaluation is not the answer for Pakistan
Pakistan needs to increase its exports exponentially and eliminate the trade deficit
Do we need foreign companies to explore oil?
Oil and gas exploration should also be opened to local entrepreneurs
Auto industry’s job creation potential
Pakistan’s auto policy has seen too many ups and downs
To go to IMF or not?
Funding from the IMF will do no more than provide a band aid, so ideally such a treatment should be avoided
Losing billions to Havala?
It is the incompetence of the Pakistani banks not to improve on their systems and make remittances seamless and speedy
A recipe for disaster?
Pakistan’s economic problems will never be resolved if we continue to latch on to the IMF and other lending agencies
Why is the Sindh government failing Karachi?
Only a strong, powerful local government, free of provincial interference, would allow Karachi to control its destiny
Overseas Pakistanis’ money is good — but not their vote?
It is time overseas Pakistanis were treated with respect and dignity and provided with voting rights
Stay away from Yemen
Under no circumstances should Pakistan’s troops be involved in the invasion of Yemen