Stories from Mahvesh Murad
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Priest: Vampire weekend
Priest trots along at a decent pace and is a decent Sunday-afternoon-at-the-cinema fare.
Goodbye, cruel world
For some cultures and for more than a few cults, suicide isn't the taboo we consider it to be.
Film review: The elephant in the room
Everything leads up to a cinematic disaster, thanks to sloppy direction and predictable character details.
A life in review: Me and mrs jones
If you think JK Rowling is the best in young adult fantasy fiction, you’ve been misled far too long.
Red Riding Hood: Toothless
Red Riding Hood is an overblown, superficial film that has very little to say and no real bite at all.
Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?
Hollywood’s been beating on dead horses for a while now.
Terry Pratchett: Out of this world
If you don’t know what Discworld is, then you’ve presumably been living in a bunker.
Tron Legacy 3D: Behind the times
With something like Tron Legacy 3D, the wow factor just isn’t enough to mask a shoddy script and a boring story.
Selling stories: Luka and the Fire of Life
Rushdie has done what he does best — allegory, fable and magic realism with a very distinct sub continental flavour.
Parenting: Stranger and stranger
If you’ve ever been the person to tell a woman it’s time to have a child, then you should be ashamed of yourself.