Stories from Yaqoob Khan Bangash
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India — like us, but not quite
Over two dozen scholars return their prestigious Sahitiya Akademi awards to protest intolerance against minorities
August 14 or 15?
Jinnah is quoted in Jinnah papers saying "August 15 is the birthday of the independent & sovereign State of Pakistan"
Overreacting to Saif Ali Khan
Pakistan is there to stay and whatever an Indian Muslim says or does should not create an existential crisis
Useless posturing
Membership of Indian Jammu and Kashmir Assembly in CPA does, in no way, mean that Pakistan accepts its legal status
The sovereign parliament
Parliamentarians need to not only turn up for sessions, they also need to actively engage
The quest for perfection
The rights of the people were second place to the right of the PTI to win an election, it seemed
Our ‘punctured’ politicians
PTI claimed theirs is a ‘different’ party, will bring — tabdeeli. But it's antics showed it's a party like any other
Rising for the Rohingyas
Humans are supposed to have been created in God’s image, shouldn’t we therefore respect all of them in the same way?
Blame it on them!
State might not be functioning as it should be, but laissez faire attitude of people is making our security nightmare
Custodians of ‘Land of the Pure’ have created such fear that most Muslims are fearful of practising religion publicly