Pakistanis have added to the millions crossing America’s southern border and seeking asylum in the United States
To remain the leader of the world, Americans will have to change the way they deal with their evolving situation
Muslim migration into Europe has produced a backlash that has had important political consequences
The most problematic is the developing situation in Afghanistan
Like the Nazis, the RSS limited its membership to those who believed in its very restrictive ideology
Azad was steadfast in the belief that a united India, even after British had left, would benefit the Muslim population
There were reports in the American press that the country’s CIA was behind the operation that took Zawahiri’s life
Mr. Biden is doing the right thing by treating the region’s issues as part of a bigger picture
What policy instruments should be used to prevent the downturn from becoming severe?
India managed to write its constitution within four years, Pakistan struggled for more than a quarter of a century