Israel's actions have nothing to do with defence and that the killing of civilians in Gaza isn’t even sporting.
An all-inclusive Iraqi government is the answer, one that serves the interests of all Iraqis and not just the Shia.
To rescue their nation, the responsibility falls on the reigning Iraqi military and government.
The government should call off the talks and make concerted effort to improve living conditions for next generation.
How can Pakistan be a democracy if all citizens are not treated equally?
If government continues to steer Pakistan down this destructive path, then the most vulnerable will continue to suffer
Will Ukraine forge an alliance with the West and join the EU or will it continue to exist under Russia’s shadow?
The meeting in Vienna should be viewed as a positive step to establishing some guidelines for future discussion.
It appears from the phone call that US has plans to replace democratically-elected government of President Yanukovych.
After 3 years of bloodshed and 130,000 dead, no one is holding up much hope for these negotiations to be productive.