Both Mian Sahib, Khan can gather crowds. Why not use this political power to articulate message of de-radicalisation?
When the now fallen from grace preacher is safely back, he has to be compelled to apologise for his egregious misogyny
Government and opposition do want to rid this country of polio; that is not in any doubt. Do they want it bad enough?
There is a common thread, all top men in power, all the three Sharifs are hostage to those around them.
The illusion of civilian, democratic supremacy has been the primary casualty of the fiasco thus far.
Survival perhaps will be granted, however on harsh terms, survival is rarely granted on anything less.
Bureaucratic, distant language when describing persecution is hypocritical & cowardly when used for Gaza or Gujranwala
Mian Sahib, legitimacy of your government and mandate is not the issue. Your willingness to defend it is.
We can give war anthems, cheerleading a rest & have conversation about it, with our convictions & without our blinkers
We want all our generals, retired or serving, to be good generals, honourable generals in the true meaning of the word