It would be a travesty if words of honour like ‘freedom’ & ‘independence’ are to lose their bite, become dead words.
A positive in this fiasco, will probably be that most media, major political parties refused to welcome the khakis.
Justice being “seen” is as significant as being “done”, and it is where the SC seems to be failing or is...
I maintain that the singular most influential and depressing event of 2011 was the fiasco of Salmaan Taseer's murder.
In an odd way, BB was never a ‘female’ prime minister or leader, she was just a leader.
The argument for talking with terrorists was that it was essentially America’s war & now impossible for us to...
The role of khakis is no longer taboo & has been replaced by another set of unelected gentlemen, the Supreme...
Pakistan army turns failures into PR opportunity. Its deplorable since its dishonest, insulting to martyred soldiers.
As a general rule, one should be very skeptical of anything done for protecting the ‘moral fabric’ of society.
Pakistan has never been a friendly place for minorities, particularly the Hindus.