Four civilians are set to launch on the mission, dubbed Polaris Dawn, which is scheduled to lift off at 3:38 a.m
Durov was arrested Sunday in Paris over alleged refusal to cooperate in investigation of crimes related to app
The discovery of anti-hyperhydrogen-4, which is the heaviest antimatter hypernucleus observed in experiments to date
Mahmoud Abbas initiates plans for a Gaza visit to halt aggression and restore unity across territories
Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant orders focus on Hezbollah as tensions rise on the Israel-Lebanon border
Winyat made confirmation following earlier issued Royal Gazette announcing three prisoner categories will be pardoned
The model mimics the neurons and its connections just like human brain
The quake struck at a depth of 16 km
Experts forecast that humanoid robotics will be applied on a larger scale at home in the next three to five years
57 experiments on new materials to be conducted in the next four months with the help of Super Microscope