Stories from Amina Jilani
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It’s all in the mind
The gentleman who occupies the presidential mansion in Islamabad has so far played his cards admirably.
Zia’s pernicious legacy
Jinnah’s Pakistan has virtually ceased to exist, but a few still hope it has not yet been interred forever.
The inglorious Eighth
The greatest polluter of the constitution (Ziaul Haq’s 8th amendment) remains very much a part of this nation’s...
Allah ki marzi
The nervousness exhibited by the establishment towards the mullah fraternity is not understandable.
Skewed priorities
Priorities in this Islamic Republic tend to be wonky. There is little concept of what should be first and last.
Exposed — to the elements
Ramazan was not observed - the usual greed and selfishness that afflicts the nation from top to bottom prevails.
A perfect recipe for brutality
Floods, shoe pelting, Sialkot, cricket criminality, bomb blasts – Pakistan’s crises are legion, but hardly legendary.
Hardly surprising
The media-venting of ire against the head of state of this Islamic Republic continues, like the floods, unabated.
Independence Day blues
Independence Day 1947, 63 years ago, was fraught with violent birth-pangs, death and destruction.