Blogs from Shar
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Does Imran Khan stand a chance in the 2018 General Elections?
Unless Imran can pull off a miracle in K-P by the 2018 elections, he will definitely give PPP a chance for a comeback.
I support the Compulsory Education of Arabic Bill 2015
Data showed that of the captured recruits 42% were from K-P, followed by almost 40% from Punjab and 14.1% from Sindh.
When the martyred children of APS woke this nation up from its dead slumber
APS was the day when the supporters of our children were distinguishable from the supporters of the Taliban.
Assad Trumps America
If America loses the Syrian war, it risks losing all of its clout and would beckon the death of the petrodollar.
Is Brahamdagh Bugti right in applying for asylum in India?
Using slogans like human rights, dignity and self-respect to defame Pakistan’s security forces is an old tactic.
Don’t touch my bakra!
If there is one place to avoid right now, it’s the mandi.
A farewell to MQM
Once upon a time anything that took place in Karachi couldn't be done without the blatant or silent consent of the...
Are the people of Balochistan not human enough for us?
Are we afraid of the terrorists more than they are afraid of us?
The only country ‘sponsoring terrorism’ is the United States of America
What gives America ‘the moral high ground’ it so often claims to have when attacking other countries...
Novus Ordo Seclorum - Hindsight
The Saddam regime, which America supported financially, became its public enemy number one in the first Gulf War.