We're here, we're queer, deal with it!

It is our body - the state, and the ordinary mullah on the street, must keep out of our beds.

Nuwas Manto July 01, 2011
In 2003, Brazil brought the case for homosexual rights on the United Nations table, only to be derailed at the last minute by Muslim and African countries. Instead, amendments were introduced and approved for the removal of any reference to discrimination based on sexual orientation.

My country, Pakistan, was the captain of Team Homophobe. It distributed a memo to the member states declaring that the approval of the recommendation would be:
"A direct insult to 1.2 billion Muslims around the world."

This year, thanks to three abstentions, China being absent, Libya’s suspension and the efforts of South Africa to table the resolution again, it was approved. This is the first time UN has officially condemned homophobia and commissioned a study into the plight of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) community, so that they may be reviewed and discussed later on in Geneva.

But then what?

How long will China be absent?

How long will Libya remain suspended?

Ironically the states which sat there, disapprovingly eyeing the resolution, are the ones with the worst human rights violations - be it freedom of expression, religious minority rights or any other democratic principle for the essential working of a modern and open society.

Who are they to vote on “fundamental” human rights when their own record reeks with violations?

Frankly, it seems like a joke to allow these countries to cast a vote on human rights.

I am here to inform the world and Zamir Akram, Pakistan’s envoy to UN, that homosexuals do exist in Pakistan and that we demand our right to love people of our own gender or even change our gender when we feel necessary to do so.

It is our body - the state and the ordinary mullah on the street, must keep out of our beds.

We, the Pakistani queer people and our straight alliances, disapprove of the statement by Mr Akram that the resolution has nothing whatsoever to do with the “fundamental human rights.”

Quite the contrary, LGBT rights are as much of incontrovertible human rights as the rights of women and a religious minority. It’s only the rampant homophobia of the aggressively hetrosexist society which has come to believe and make us believe otherwise. It is the fundamental right of a homosexual, bisexual or tansgender man (or a woman) to love, to marry, to form a family, and to work without discrimination in a workplace of his choice and be unapologetic.

It might seem like an elite concern to heterosexuals but this is a basic right for those demanding the right to love.

As a Pakistani, I condemn the words of Zamir Akram and stand as a proof that there are many in Pakistan who dream of an egalitarian and gay-friendly nation here.

Some rights are “fundamental” and need to be defended against the face of notoriety and odds. Queer rights are one of them. Full stop. Nothing to be apologetic about it.

This time we got lucky. But, what of the future? There is no way Muslim and African countries are giving in to approve LGBT rights. They must be pushed to do it, by the international community, just as we would want to push them towards greater application of women’s rights and freedom of expression (or any other human right for that matter).
Nuwas Manto A Pakistan based LGBT youth activist and the founder of Pakistan Queer Movement, the aim of which is to seek respect,equality and freedoms for LGBT community in Pakistan.
The views expressed by the writer and the reader comments do not necassarily reflect the views and policies of the Express Tribune.


anon | 13 years ago | Reply @Komal: Radical Feminism? Lol, you have a lot in common with fundamentalist Christians. As a lesbian and womanist, there are some aspect in this article that I feel conflicted about, but it has nothing to do with transgendered folks as you're implying! it's LGBT not LGB! You have a problem with the term "queer"? That's how I identify. Do you want to jump on the bandwagon and oppress me as well, just as others are doing to you?!
Kabir | 13 years ago | Reply Islam considers homosexuality to be immoral and to be a sin. The mainstream idea is "love the sinner, hate the sin". We are not going to have any success in Pakistan if we are seen as being "anti-Islam". On the other hand, there can be no LGBT rights in Pakistan until and unless the country becomes secular. Religion has its place and Orthodox Muslims are free to disapprove of homosexuality and to live according to their religion. However, that shouldn't stop LBGT citizens of Pakistan from being protected by the state--one of the major duties of any state is to protect its citizens.
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