The King in the North and the Mother of Dragons finally meet.

Game of Thrones S07-E03 was, in its truest sense, a Song of Ice and Fire

Olenna Tyrell may seem like an old and weak woman compared to Jamie Lannister, but her words clearly prove she isn't.

Sahir Palijo August 01, 2017
If the last episode of Game of Thrones (GoT) can be compared to Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, then it would be justified to claim that episode three was more like The Godfather.

While last week’s episode was packed with action and thrill, this week’s episode was filled with intense confrontations. As I said last week, this season is on steroids and at some point you might even feel like everything is moving too fast.

This episode was titled ‘The Queen’s Justice’, which is an apt title considering the events that transpired. I believe this episode was, in its truest sense, ‘A Song of Ice and Fire. The faceoff we had been eagerly waiting for finally took place, and boy was it marvellous.

The King in the North and the Mother of Dragons finally met.

While Jon Snow wants the Dragonglass to defeat the army of the dead, Daenerys wants Jon to bend the knee. The two characters don’t see to come to an agreement, which could turn out be a huge problem for both of them.

Thus, two questions emerge: Will Jon Snow bend the knee? And will Daenerys be able to trust the King of the North?

Furthermore, Tyrion has some great dialogues in this episode. His witty remarks are a treat to watch and his chemistry with Jon is spot on. I wish these two characters get more screen time together in the next few episodes. A few lighthearted moments never hurt anyone.

This time round, Queen Cersei was the showstopper. Even Daenerys, with her dragons (which she keeps reminding us of) and a huge army, is no match for Cersei – the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms (not all seven though).

Although, there is one thing that Cersei has which Daenerys lacks – Jamie Lannister, an experienced and seasoned battle commander. Moreover, Daenerys’s right hand, Tyrion, is Cersei’s younger brother and Cersei knows what he is capable of. This gives her an obvious advantage over Daenerys.

Moreover, we are reminded of the dead multiple times during this episode. Numerous old wounds open up and the thing about old wounds is that they always tend to bring out the worst in people.

In the previous episode, Euron captured Ellaria, Tyene and Yara. In this week’s episode, he leaves Ellaria and Tyene to the Queen Cersei’s mercy. Remember, Ellaria killed Cersie’s daughter, Myrcella, by poisoning her.

Thus, will the Queen show her mercy or will she seek vengeance?

Another interesting aspect about this episode was a certain reunion that took place. Sansa and Bran Stark’s meeting was not as jolly as we would have expected, but it was major for the show since the last time Sansa met Bran was six years ago in season one.

It was emotional because Winterfell has finally been recaptured by the Starks, and was symbolic because it conveyed the reconvening of the broken Stark family after years of being torn apart.

On another note, there was also a conversation between Olenna Tyrell and Jamie Lannister. Lady Tyrell may seem to be an old and weak woman as compared to Jamie, the experienced fighter, but she is not.

With the power of simple words, she was able to strike a blow so powerful that it hurt Jamie just as much as any flesh wound would. More so, her words were so powerful that she managed to remind Jamie of his severed hand.

One let down from this week’s episode was Arya’s absence. However, the episode does have a lot more to offer and Arya’s story arc would have made an already intense episode even more intense. Like the previous episode, this one also features a decent battle, but not as spectacular as the last one.

Things are moving at a pretty fast pace and a lot is happening in Westeros, which keeps you on the edge of your seat. The hour-long episode is full of powerful dialogues and strong performances. Tensions keep rising and the show keeps getting better with each passing week.

Every episode brings forth a new twist and the thrill factor keeps increasing. There is only one thing we can do and that is, wait.

The next episode promises to be even bigger than the third episode.

See you next week.

Sahir Palijo The author is an undergrad pursuing a degree of Business Administration. He loves to write his thoughts and is a movie freak. He tweets at @The_Sahir (
The views expressed by the writer and the reader comments do not necassarily reflect the views and policies of the Express Tribune.


D淡定D | 7 years ago | Reply "Will the queen show mercy or seek revenge?" Are you kidding?
Parvez | 7 years ago | Reply Episode 3 ....... good, especially the exchange between Khaleesi and John Snow.
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