Help! My Facebook page got hacked
A hacker tagged my best friend in a relationship with me on Facebook. Now, she hates me.
Dear Miss Informed,
I am in love with a girl who doesn't like me. We have been friends for four years and used to talk every day. She even knew that I loved her but she never liked me. However, recently she stopped talking to me because my Facebook account got hacked and the hacker tagged her in a relationship with me on my status. After this incident, she openly insulted me online and said that she always hated me and would never talk to me again.
I love everything about her, and miss the good times I had with her as a friend. But now I think that she is happy without me in her life. All I keep thinking about is if we will we ever speak to each other again.
Help me please. I need an action plan so that I can start talking to her again.
Dear Omar,
From where I see it, the situation couldn’t be simpler. If, as you say, your Facebook account was actually hacked and this hacker actually did what you say he did, then honey, you ended up expressing your feelings for the girl without meaning to at all. Clearly the girl didn’t know the account was hacked, unless she did it herself to have an excuse to tell you that she doesn’t like you. But, you got your answer without asking the question.
She doesn’t like you.
And in this case, you don’t even need to take a hint, because she seems pretty clear (and mildly rude, for a friend) about her stance.
Now, you can do one of two things.
If this girl is in fact a good friend, then confront her and tell her the truth. Tell her your account was hacked. Believe it or not, friends trust each other. If she doesn’t, then she is not your friend. The matter ends there.
But, if she does accept your explanation, then I must warn you here. Your friendship, is headed nowhere. The girl clearly doesn’t like you. Hell, you’ve been friends for four years. It doesn’t take longer than that for a woman to throw a guy in the friend zone. Trust me – as lovely as I am, I must confess I have done that to many young aspiring Mr Informeds myself.
My personal suggestion – leave her alone. Move on with your life. Otherwise, you will never be happy around her. She may remain your friend for some time. But, when she gets married or has another man in her life, she will know her priorities. It is time for you to know yours.
- As clichéd as it may sound, there are plenty other fish in the sea.
- If that doesn’t work out for you, try stamp collection. Or, a more contemporary approach – video games. How old are you anyway?
- Most importantly, make new friends (female). It’s never too late for that.
My advice ends here. For more help on the matter, contact Mrs Qureshi (the rishta lady).
PS: Change your Facebook password and keep it something that's not your birthday or pet's name.
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