Waka Waka Spain!

I want Spain to win the World Cup! Reason? It is quite useless to evaluate teams on the basis of technique. I could easily get away with not having a good reason for Spain being my favorite. But they are the European champions so why not world champs?

Waqas Rafique July 05, 2010
I want Spain to win the World Cup! Reason? They have never gone beyond the semi finals in World Cup history and they are the European champions so why not world champs?

It is quite useless to evaluate teams on the basis of technique. Like cricket anything can happen in football.  How many times have we seen the predictions of cricket analysts proving to be as reliable as weather updates from the MET office. I could easily get away with not having a good reason for Spain being my favorite. After all this has been an upsetting World Cup. Ghana, Argentina and even Brazil….so much for technique based pre-tournament predictions.

Sport is speculative business and I don’t blame people who like to gamble over sport. Spain's win against Paraguay in the quarter final may have began as dull and drab but ended up quite remarkably. Before the match between his team and Spai's Paraguay’s football coach Gerardo Martino said:
“But you see in this kind of tournament, it's not just who plays better, but who has the heart, who has the stamina, the wish, who has the fighting spirit and it can come down to one scoring opportunity."

Hence, Waka Waka Spain!
Waqas Rafique An Islamabad based journalist who was a former employee of Express News. He tweets @waqasrafique (https://twitter.com/waqasrafique)
The views expressed by the writer and the reader comments do not necassarily reflect the views and policies of the Express Tribune.


Ahsan | 14 years ago | Reply Totally agree with osama hanif there... the way paraguay and portugal played (before the spanish goals) showed as much heart and passion as spain so its not all passion and heart they have to do better technically too. even if spain does win this one on the basis of luck it wont be a very satisfying victory and im sure none of the spain fans would want a repeat of spains last two wins. 1 nil is not a semi final score
Osama Hanif | 14 years ago | Reply FYI ... Spain is one of the most technically sound teams in the World right now ... The problem is that they're not being able to convert the ball possession into goals. They've been extremely lucky to stay in the World Cup till now without having to face any tough team. Germany's gonna thrash them if the Dutch could produce the same what they did to Australia, England and Argentina.
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