Léa Seydoux calls French President’s support for Gerard Depardieu “crazy” and “bad image for France”

Actor Gerard Depardieu is facing trial later this year on charges of sexual assault.

Pop Culture & Art May 27, 2024
Lea Seydoux; Emmanuel Macron (Courtesy: REUTERS)

Léa Seydoux, known for her roles in the James Bond franchise and French arthouse films, has strongly criticized French President Emmanuel Macron's public support for actor Gérard Depardieu. Depardieu is facing trial later this year on charges of sexual assault.

Macron previously expressed “pride” in the acclaimed actor, despite the allegations. Seydoux, in a recent interview with The Times of London, called Macron's stance “crazy” and damaging to France's image.

“It was crazy. It gives a very bad image for our country,” she said. “Why say that? It's crazy he said that — the president. Crazy.”

Seydoux's comments add fuel to the ongoing debate about France's handling of the #MeToo movement. Her criticism aligns with recent statements from other French actresses, including Juliette Binoche, who accused the country of being “enormously backward” on the issue.

However, Seydoux also expressed optimism about a shift in attitudes, particularly among younger generations. 

“The young generation is very active,” she said. “There is a change. A move has been made.”

Seydoux, known for balancing Hollywood blockbusters with independent projects, also commented on the evolution of the James Bond franchise. 

She believes Bond needs to reflect modern values, stating, “It would've been weird to do Bond nowadays with a guy who is super-misogynistic.”


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