Will Pakistan-India relations survive if Modi comes to power?

BJP is preaching hatred against Pakistan but whether Modi will be another Atal Behari Vajpaye is yet to be seen.

Kashif Ali May 11, 2014
“The scenes will return, like deranged ghosts, to haunt those of us who were at the graveside to witness the burial of a secular dream. The screams of exultation with each blow of a pickaxe, each thrust of a rod, each dome that came crashing down. If there were no implements, the frenzied hordes would have used their bare hands to the same effect, so powerful was the poison that coursed through their veins in those few hours of madness” (Dilip Awasthi Ayodhya)

It is now clear, from various reports, that in the Gujarat Legislative Assembly elections, 2002, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) used the Gujarat pogrom effectively to consolidate Hindu sentiments and the majority Hindu vote. The result was an overwhelming victory for the BJP. It is a pity that today, the same contender, Narendra Modi, finds it indispensable to play the anti-Pakistan card for Hindu consolidation. For those concerned with India’s democratic and secular fabric, this persistent politics of hatred certainly marks the end of India’s tryst with destiny.

In a recent speech, Modi vowed to attack Pakistan and bring Dawood Ibrahim to India, if he comes to power. Although, it’s the similar jingoistic election stunt as conquering the Delhi Red Fort stunts by Jamaatud Dawa and Difa-e-Pakistan Council. But such a statement, from the probable prime minister of the world’s biggest democracy, exemplifies what the future under a BJP-dominated government may look like for the region.

Not to deny that the ‘deep state’ on both sides are avowedly against each other. But unlike India, all major political parties in Pakistan that hold considerable electoral leverage, like the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) – except the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) – want better relations with India. On the contrary, in India, even the leftist parties that represent secular credentials, like the Indian National Congress (INC), hark back on jingoistic patriotism of the BJP when it comes to normalising relations with Pakistan.

The problem with the BJP is that it has created a highly chauvinistic narrative on Pakistan, based on preaching hatred that goes back to the partition days. In the domain of foreign policy, Modi’s various statements manifest that the party retains a maximalist position whereby the totality of India’s relationship with Pakistan hangs on the issue of cross-border terrorism.

Of late, Pakistan appears to be pushing for a series of dialogue with India on all contentious issues, keeping its traditional position of ‘let’s talk Kashmir first’ on the back-burner and focusing more on bilateral trade, stabilising the line of control (LOC), management of borders and the likes. Unfortunately, India primes itself for a stronger anti-Pakistan stance and fails to reciprocate with the same vigour, even as Islamabad appears to aspire to settle things between the two neighbours.

However, last time the two countries had a major breakthrough was during the BJP government in Delhi and the Nawaz-led civilian government in Pakistan. Whether Modi can turn out to be another Atal Behari Vajpaye is yet to be seen.

It is imperative that Modi and the BJP realise that Indo-Pak cooperation is indispensable for regional stability. It also necessitates that instead of such imperialistic statements, India must play a more positive role in the region.
Kashif Ali The writer holds Masters in governance and public policy from Germany and works in the development sector. He tweets as @s_kashif8 (https://twitter.com/s_kashif8)
The views expressed by the writer and the reader comments do not necassarily reflect the views and policies of the Express Tribune.


abhi | 10 years ago | Reply what do you think now?
Anoop | 10 years ago | Reply So a girl who partially believes in Evolution, but wholeheartedly believes in 2000 year old fictions is calling me ignorant? Your arrogance knows no bounds. Just FYI, I've always supported Equal rights for all sexes. You can see me saying so here. http://blogs.tribune.com.pk/story/21975/feminism-will-never-work-in-pakistan/ I will quote myself : "I consider myself a feminist. Yes, men can be feminists too. Anyone standing up for their rights and treats them as equals is I think the definition of a feminist." I've always defended Ahmadis, including you, against people like Umar Farooq. Scroll up and see for yourself. The person I've defended Ahmadis against too, I am sure, believes Evolution is just-a-theory, Islam is a true Religion of Peace and other things that you believe in.. But, he also believes, if you read his comment, that you are not a Muslim. its sad that you are more like him, than me. And, you consider debating me a waste of time! Isn't this some dark comedy?
نائلہ | 10 years ago A healthy debate is no one's loss and I know you don't enjoy my version of a comedy :) . Thank you for supporting Ahmadis and women as well. I never said anything regarding that although. Just because I do not agree with a certain belief of yours, does not mean I reject everything else you have to say. What you call fictitious, to me, that's my life's and I am being very serious. I believe that Islam is correct. Umar Farooq I guess also believes that. But who is a Muslim? That's for God to decide. I am defending my religion against you, because it's something I wholeheartedly believe in, not so you convert to it, but so you can at least understand that you are making statements which have no basis in the religious scripture. I believe in Islam Not because I was born into a Muslim family and automatically believed that what I believe is right and everything else is wrong. but because I studied the Quran, and also other monotheistic religions, ie. Christianity and Judaism. Both were good but Islam was better. How can I clearly explain
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