Bhagat Singh the intellectual

The legacy of Bhagat Singh shouldn't be limited to being simply revolutionary but also an intellectual par...

Sher Khan March 29, 2012
A lesser appreciated aspect about Bhagat Singh, who was executed on March 23, 1931, was his intellectual prowess. In the greater context of subcontinent politics and history, Singh’s socio-political understanding showed a very nuanced and detailed insight into the future of India and the importance to transform society.

The tragedy, in the context of a Pakistan that lacks an academic culture, is that Singh’s legacy has been used to reaffirm the state narratives set in place. For some reason or another, history before 1947 has been studied in limited scope within Pakistan. In reality, Singh’s writings should be seen as an example for leaders to create a coherent vision for the nation-state.

His ideological rise was accompanied by a diverse reading list. He was well-versed in Marx, Lenin and other radical literature but also studied people such as Tom Paine, James Mill, Dostoevsky, Sinclair and a host of other authors. His available writings show a wide sophistication on a wide variety of topics.

Singh wrote:
“If you do not mean this revolution, then please have mercy. Stop shouting ‘Long Live Revolution’. The term revolution is too sacred, at least to us, to be so lightly used or misused. But if you say you are for the national revolution and the aims of your struggle is an Indian republic of the type of the United State of America, then I ask you to please let known on what forces you rely that will help you bring about that revolution.”

The greater point in Singh’s legacy has to be the emphasis that a leader should provide a long-term vision for a nation which something Singh does quite aptly through his writings. In this sense, he was far ahead of his time, dreaming of a reconstructing society in a way which a status quo ruling elite does not dominate a political system.

Further, his views on religion, economics and society provide a greater insight into the long-lineage of feudal and class domination in the subcontinent.

At a time when leaders and politicians talk about change, the relevance of this discussion is uncanny. Today, the one constant feature has been that most progressive forces continue to be stifled and suffocated. Revolutionary and radical thought as a result has been negated by a status quo that is bent upon providing compromised solutions.

As a result, the legacy of Bhagat Singh should not be limited to being simply revolutionary but also an intellectual par excellence.


Read more by Sher here, or follow him on twitter @sherakhan46.

Sher Khan
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Yuri Kondratyuk | 12 years ago | Reply @prabhjyot singh madan:
Sikhism was not started by Hindus.
Guru Nanak was a Hindu Bedi Kshatriya. Sikhism was largely influenced by Indian Sufism, which is a synthesis of Hindu and Islamic thoughts. The initial Sikhs were converted Hindus and Muslims. That's why Guru Granth Sahib has the poem Raga Basant written by Swami Ramananda who was a Hindu Vaishnava saint and incidentally, the guru of Kabir too. Raga Basant explicitly speaks of shedding all mundane discrimination for the sake of devotion to Rama.
Yuri Kondratyuk | 12 years ago | Reply @Critical:
Unfortunately,the Nehru administration after independence wrote our history books in such a way that people believe it was Gandhi alone who brought independence
Independence from British rule would have happened without Gandhi or anybody else. But, Gandhi's(and Sardar Patel's) credit lies in ensuring that independence didn't result in a hundred odd Indias.
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