How big a difference would it have made to Pakistan?
Few could have imagined events of September 11, thousands of miles away would touch the lives of people in Peshawar.
US envoy to Afghanistan defends lack of troops between 2002-2004, move would have portrayed US as occupiers.
9/11 has not generated as large a number of films as previous epochal events such as World War II or Vietnam have.
The book, "In My Time," has grabbed headlines for Cheney's attempts to settle scores with foes.
Many Americans still believe elements within George W Bush's administration, or Israeli agents, were behind attacks.
Obama remembered the dead of the September 11 attacks, including Muslim Americans, at an Iftar dinner on Wednesday.
However counterterrorism officials have been worried about retaliatory attacks after US forces killed Osama bin Laden.
Kuch Khaas hosts evening with Beena Sarwar and a Dutch journalist.