‘Political inefficiency adds to Karachi’s security woes’

Corps commander says all parties should disband their militant wings

Our Correspondent May 17, 2015
Corps Commander Lieutenant General Naveed Mukhtar. PHOTO EXPRESS/MOHAMMAD NOMAN


Karachi Corps Commander Lt Gen Naveed Mukhtar has said that the law and order problem in the metropolitan city has been complicated by political and administrative inefficiency.

Addressing a seminar organised by National Defence University’s alumni association on Saturday, he said hiring in the Sindh police should be apolitical and merit-based. “The police and administration should be free from political interference. Empowering of institutions will lead to prosperity,” he added.

Lt Gen Mukhtar said the surgical operation in Karachi was indiscriminate targeted at all criminal groups, including Lyari gangsters, al Qaeda militants and others. “The LEAs are fighting against extortionists, kidnappers, target killers, terrorists and other criminals and many idols have been broken in this fight,” he said.

As a result of this operation, the security situation has improved and incidents of targeted killing, extortion and kidnapping for ransom have dropped significantly, the corps commander said.

He said the operation was aimed at restoring peace in the city and it would be completed at all costs. “The Karachi operation will be taken to its logical conclusion,” he added.

Lt Gen Mukhtar also pledged that terrorists, their facilitators, target killers and extortionists would not be spared. “White-collar terrorists and their financiers and logistics providers will also be eliminated,” he said.

He also urged all political and religious parties to disband their militant wings and purge themselves of criminal elements. “Parallel governments and centres of power must come to an end.”

Referring to Wednesday’s deadly attack on the Ismaili community in Karachi, the corps commander said mere words could not heal the wounds of the bereaved families. “We will have to take all possible measures and extraordinary methods to cope with the security challenges,” he added.

He said different mafias had taken refuge in the suburbs of Karachi – the city that accounts for 65% revenues and 80% trade activities of the country. “Terrorists, however, have affected the business activity by disturbing the city’s peace,” he added. “No one can defeat a nation ready for sacrifices,” he added. The other speakers, including PPP leader Sherry Rehman, said economic development should be the foremost priority of the government and for that peace and security should be ensured to allow the economy to flourish.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 17th, 2015.


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