Pakistan ulema council condemns IS group

Pakistan has suffered years of bloody attacks at the hands of homegrown militants, many linked to al Qaeda

Afp October 17, 2014
Pakistan ulema council condemns IS group

ISLAMABAD: A leading group of Pakistani clerics on Friday condemned the Islamic State organisation, amid concerns the hardline militants could gain a foothold in the militant-plagued nuclear state.

The Pakistan Ulema Council (PUC) said the IS group, which has declared a "caliphate" in areas it controls in Iraq and Syria, was violating Islamic teaching.

The movement, also known as ISIS, has committed widespread atrocities in territory under its rule, including mass executions, beheadings and forcing women and girls into slavery.

"Islam and Muslims cannot support the killing of innocent people and destruction of their properties at the hands of the ISIS," the PUC said in a statement.

"The PUC... appeals to people and youth in Islamic countries to not cooperate with any violent group whose teachings or actions are against the teachings of Islam and Prophet Muhammad,” it added.

The PUC call comes as fears grow in Pakistan that the violent call of the IS group could find recruits among the country's myriad of militant groups.

Pakistan has suffered years of bloody attacks at the hands of homegrown militants, many linked to al Qaeda.

Leaflets supporting the IS organisation have been seen in some parts of the northwest, the heartland of groups like the Pakistani Taliban.

The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) vowed earlier this month to send fighters to support IS militants but stopped short of pledging allegiance to the organisation's leader.


Stranger | 9 years ago | Reply

Thus explicit communication from religious heads will indeed sway a lot of people away from such fanaticism . Many more such loud publicized announcements r the need of the hour .

Zafrina Khan | 9 years ago | Reply

Both of you make good points @Dr.Terwari & @Zaki about Islam but you missed by a great margin why more entities like the PUC are not speaking up. There has to be a ground movement to call out these people who are determined to change the face of Islam as a non tolerant religion. Take the anti-blasphemy law in Pakistan what have we done to correct this unjust law that threatens minorities living in Pakistan. Take that these terror fanatics have a substantial support from many Pakistanis that have allowed their feelings of the West to cloud their thinking. More religious elders need to scream from the rooftops that the true spirit of Isla will not tolerate the wide effort to harm other Muslims. The Shia-Suni conflict needs to have a timeout till then the reign of terror will continue.

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