Traders in the city on Thursday demanded the government provide them security, curb kidnappings for ransom, and compensate victims of the Qissa Khwani blast that claimed at least 42 lives and injured another 100 people on September 29.
Addressing a news conference at Peshawar Press Club, Press and Publishers Association President Zafar Khattak said almost two months have passed since the attack, but victims still await the promised compensation.
“Under international pressure, victims of the All Saints Church blast were duly compensated. Qissa Khwani traders, however, are still being deprived of their rights,” he claimed. He added all traders are poor and “not in a position to restart their businesses.”
Khattak maintained losses incurred by each trader ran in millions. In addition to urging the government to immediately release the funds, he also demanded increased protection, saying “many traders have been kidnapped for ransom and several have received threats.”
Published in The Express Tribune, December 20th, 2013.
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