Life support for PIA

Letter March 04, 2013
The Rs100 billion bailout package to PIA is like throwing good money after bad.

SIALKOT: This is with reference to your editorial of March 1 titled “Life support for PIA”. The Rs100 billion bailout package to PIA is like throwing good money after bad. Besides, the timing of the package, days before the term of the current government is about to end, and weeks before the next election, also makes the whole exercise somewhat suspicious. During the past five years, the airline has suffered because one after the other, politically-appointed heads have driven it into major losses. One can only wonder at the logic of giving Rs100 billion of taxpayers’ fund to an organisation that has already lost billions and doesn’t seem to have improved its performance by any yardstick.

Shahzad Khalil

Published in The Express Tribune, March 4th, 2013.