“Regretfully, Gulzar returned to India via Wagah border today. It is a great loss for his readers and admirers in Pakistan,” Managing Director of OUP Ameena Saiyid told The Express Tribune via email.
Saiyid added that she did not have any direct information about a security threat. “I was taken by surprise by his sudden unplanned departure. I was getting ready to receive him at the Karachi airport tomorrow when I heard that he has returned to India.”
Syed Ahmed Shah, one of the organisers of the Karachi Literature Festival, confirmed Gulzar had pulled out – just two days before the start of the event.
"We can't say about the reasons and circumstances that led to his return home without attending the festival," Shah told AFP.
Gulzar returned over security fears?
Interior Minister Rehman Malik refuted the notion that Gulzar was deported saying the poet returned to India on his own. Malik in a tweet from his official account insisted that instead of having anything to do with his return, he had arranged for the poet’s security.
“Mr.Gulzar left for India on his own. He had valid visa. He is not deported. I had arranged fool proof security in Karachi but [he] did not visit there.”
In a subsequent tweet, Malik suggested that Gulzar was returning due to security fears, having been “misled” by a USA based friend about a possible attack in Karachi.
“I attended the matter of Mr. Gulzar personally. His friend from USA had called him and misinformed him that he might be attacked in Karachi.”
He added that he had personally tended to security of the poet, even directing security officers to meet with Gulzar and assure him of security.
“Pakistan security officers spoke to Gulzar under my directions and assured him full security in Karachi but he left despite assurances.”
Indian mission denies political pressures
The Indian High Commission, when contacted by The Express Tribune, however denied involvement in sending Gulzar back.
First Secretary Press and Information of Indian High Commission Janardan Singh said that Gulzar’s visit was private and they were not aware of his itinerary. He refuted media reports which suggested that Gulzar was sent back to India by the high commission.
Bhardwaj told NDTV that their return from Pakistan was not due to political reasons.
He said that Gulzar was emotionally overwhelmed after visiting his birthplace in Dina after 70 years, and had to be escorted back to India immediately. The trip was made to record a song for his new film ‘Dedh Ishqia’ but the recording was cancelled as well, he added.
“There is nothing political about it. We plan to visit Pakistan again for recording as soon as Gulzar Saab feels better,” Bhardwaj was further quoted as saying.
But a Pakistani film director who met Gulzar during his visit, told AFP on condition of anonymity that he left the country "because of some security concerns".
Gulzar was scheduled to read from his poetry as well as take part in discussion groups and Shah said his absence would disappoint millions of admirers in Pakistan.
"Pakistan had welcomed him with great warmth and zeal two days ago as he is hugely popular as well in our country," Shah said.
"His arrival was a great confidence building measure between the two neighbours and had boosted morale of the people living across the border for a better future relationship."
Earlier during the day, media reports suggested that Gulzar was sent back to India from Wagah border due to certain "security concerns".
The festival will be attended by more than 200 literary luminaries from Pakistan and overseas. The event is free-of-charge and will run all day long from 10am to 7pm over a three-day period from February 15 to February 17.
British-Pakistani novelist Nadeem Aslam will be the keynote speaker at the inaugural session of the festival.
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@Singh: @galib: I said Abdus Salam's work LED to the discovery of the Higs boson. Salam introduced the induction of the massive Higgs bosons in the theory of the Standard Model, where he predicted the hypothetical form of radioactive decay emitted by Protons, thus he theorised the existence of proton decay. It was based on his work that this discovery came about. No doubt an Indian scientist 'put the name Bose in bosson'. I'm not arguing with that. But what you need to understand is that, this theory came about, as it was based on his work as well.
@yuri kondratyak the way you phrased begs to differ. However, I agree that what @lala gee said was WRONG. Gulzar is an amazing poet, and I had the opportunity to meet him last year at the Jaipur lit festival. Yes, we Pakistanis too have our share of amazing poets, but that doesn't mean our neighbours have any less. We should come together and celebrate both sides. It is truly our loss that Gulzar went back. Also, I would request all the Indians on this website to remember that Pakistanis here are too a big fan of your artists, and because of a few ignorant people's comments, do not view our entire community with distaste. So, I chose this platform to spread peace within the two countries- who's with me?
Ps: there are ignorant people everywhere, but lets not blame an entire race for one persons stupidity. This goes for Pakistanis and Indians.
FOOL PROOF?????hahahahahhaa!!!!are you kidding me???did he really say that??LOL!!
Warning for Hindu Punjabis : Visting Pakistan , to see your ancestral homes, may cause acute depression and emotional breakdown.
Here is the truth..
Asif Noorani — who was to moderate the Karachi Literature Festival (KLF) session ‘Conversations with Gulzar’ — told The Hindu that the lyricist became extremely emotional after visiting his house in Dina in Jhelum. Quoting Hasan Zia, a television film maker who was accompanying the lyricist, Mr. Noorani said: “He was happy when he visited his school but broke down on reaching his village and seeing his house. He started crying and wanted to return immediately to Lahore though a meal had been hosted for him and his entourage including film-maker Vishal Bhardwaj.”
Mr. Noorani added that efforts to make him change his mind in view of his engagement at KLF proved futile. “He said he was not in a frame of mind to go to Karachi and left in a hurry; leaving behind the books he had brought along to give away as gifts.”
@Pakistani: ..........a Pakistani Documentary Film-maker Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy WON an Oscar last year for her documentary film................
The subject she chose is a shame for all Pakistani men. Watch closely the photos of Fakhra Younus and feel proud as a Pakistani of this non-sense Oscar.
In case the gentle soul Manmohan Singh Sahib once visits his ancestral village, hopefully he also does not flee back to Dilli with depressions!!!
Comprison btwn INDIAN and PAK poet or singer is silly.
No one can bound talent as hindustani pakistani or hindu muslim
I like Atif Aslam n dont care from where he belongs to
Loving own country is good. But when we talk abt an artist we should not include his countory or religon.
Artist may be good or bad by its ability.
If a pakistani artist is good then can we say he is bad just bcas he is pakistani.
Even when pakistani artist specialy women do something good they drserve more appriciation than INDIAN. cas they face more problem by extrimist.
Mostly indian in bollywood or in litrature they hav their root frm pakistan. So we cant hav any dobout abt pak talent though they didnt get much chance or dont see much scope in pak
I'm sure there must be a travel advisory by GOI against visiting Pakistan given Pakistan's internal situation. If anyone chooses to ignore it and go at their own peril, it's just Darwin at work weeding out foolishness.
Mr.Gulzar should take rest at home in his old age . I don't understand How Indian useless gov allowed Mr.Gulazar to go there despite his old age and security concerns...? Now Admit him in a super specialty hospital immediately .
@Amit Nice work! You troll!
@Anam: Higgs Boson particle that you refer to - do you know who is the Bose in the name of the particle?
Anyway this whole Pakistan vs India issue on this post was started by Lala Gee who claimed that Gulzar ot comig was not a loss since Pakistani poets were better and @Amit responded that Gulzar had won an OScar and Grammy. Unfortunately it degenerated into general Pakistan won this and India won that.
@Noble Tufail: "as pakistanis were barred from Jaipur lit festival? not a good practice though if that is the case. "
Pakistani authors and poets were not barred from Jaipur literary festival. They did attend that and also then proceded to the Calcutta literary festival. It is only Pakistani bureaucrats that were denied a visa.
@Adnan: "@amit: Pakistan won an oscar last year.. just for your information!
He was responding to Lala Gee who said Pakistani poets were better anyway. In that context Amit brought this up since Gulzar has won an Oscar and a grammy for his song Jai Ho. The Oscar last year that a Pakistani American got was for a documentary not a song. It is also interesting to claim ownership when she was not even allowed to show her movie in Pakistan.
let's celebrate the birthday of Faiz sahab and leave everything aside, no urdu poet is even close to him.
We love you Gulzar Sahib in Pakistan! You are one of my favorite poet. May God give you a very long life with lots of happiness!
@Pakistani Ever thought about what subject won an Oscar for Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy and how it reflected on Pakistan? I bet not. However, I agree with you and others who say @amit should not be rubbing your nose in the ground. That's juvenile. Pakistan has enough troubles and any good news should be welcomed. Understand that most Indians do not have any problems with Pakistanis; only with the hateful ideology of Pakistan that is officially sanctioned and which officially and constitutionally victimizes minorities, including muslim minorities.
Both Indians and Pakistanis suffer deeply from an inferiority complex when it comes to the West (as in US and Europe). Opinions and awards from Westerners such as Nobel and Oscar are held in higher esteem then our own awards and opinions. Someone is good only if a Westerner says so. Probably take another 1000 years to overcome this inferiority complex.
This is so pathetic to hear this kind of news. I think now we should change our attitude and diminish hatred. In both countries, India and Pakistan, people who want to bring harmony and prosperity should work to eliminate hatred. I think hatred is not the solution of any conflict. If India and Pakistan want to make progress they have to work jointly and failed those forces, which conspire against them.
@Anam: Higgs boson (Boson stands for Bose from India
@Anam: I gave an ironic reply to @Lala Gee's statement that,"Pakistani poets are much better". But honestly, I do not intend to "degrade" Pakistanis or even "upgrade" Indians!
Wise move Gulzar sahab, but i hear the hospitality in Pakistan is legendary
I personally also wish to visit as soon as things improve in terms of security
@Anam: Higs bosson theory. Name say it all that who Pioneer that theory.
@SkyofBlue: lol first read carefully 7 indians won more than 10 grammys and 6 indians won oscars .
@Kashif Zia: You make a good point. . The initial ET report only mentioned that Gulzar was turned back at the Wagah border by the Indian High Commission (Ludicrous to think that the Indian High Commission in Islamabad would turn him back at Wagah). Reason cited in ET was security according to an anonymous source from the KLF. . Glad to know that ET has since edited the report. However I am always flabbergasted to find that Pakistani newspapers give so much credibility to anonymous sources.
lagta hia patloon kuch ziada tight hogai stopping bld circulation to brain being hampered, where did it say pak mistreated him?
It is really a sad news that Gulzar sahib had to leave Pakistan before schedule.I wonder why whenever the people tp peoplecontacts between two neighbours starta, some mysterious elements try to disrupt that.....
@Foreign Leg: I can not understand why people can not understand that a 70yr old man can fall sick quite easily
How negative. Only Pakistani media and Pakistani film director (as quoted by this news) are saying that he was sent back due to "security threat". Why don't they take Indian director interview on Indian media as a credible source that he was only "emotionally overwhelmed"?
this is sad.
I don't know about the reason for Gulzar's return, but he is a great Urdu poet and is beyond the borders. Lots of love from a Pakistani.
@amit: Okay, good for you. But It's not a competition. Seriously. Why do you Indians always think that way? Congrats to all you Indians who won an Oscar, but there is no need to degrade your neighbours! Seriously! Why does every Indian I meet have to be that way?! Also, I would list a number of Pakistanis who won awards, IF I was cheap. I don't feel the need to brag, I leave that up to you to research. (By the way, A Pakistani -Abdus Salam- has won a Nobel prize for physics so don't make false remarks Yuri. It may not be in literature, but his discovery lead to the Higs bosson theory, which is a MAJOR landmark in physics) So don't degrade others. Us Pakistanis are willing to lend out a hand to our neighbours and maintain friendly relations- are you?? We would like it if you would. It's a great pity Gulzar went, but what I don't understand is why Indians are writing "SHAME on you pakistan!!" Last I checked, Gulzar was welcomed well, but he left because he emotionally broke down after seeing his home. So, Pakistan should be shamed for letting Gulzar miss his home? What are you trying to even say?!
@amit: Ignorant fool, only last year a Pakistani (Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy) won an Oscar. Typical.
its rather funny how indians and pakistanis alike find reason to take swipe at each other even on an incident which is perhaps emotionally so overwhelming... i can understand the reasons for pakistanis disliking the indians...but y are indians too behaving the same way? we've never been believers of two nation theory..or have we?
@Yuri Kondratyuk: and definitely not the Nobel for literature
No Indian has got Noble laureate literature, V.S.Naipaul who got in 2001 was Trinidadian born British citizen of Indian descent. Rudyard Kipling was British citizen born in India, Rabindranath Tagore was citizen of British India.
The 76-year-old was simply “emotionally overwhelmed and stressed” after visiting his birthplace, in Pakistan, for the first time in 70 years, Bhardwaj insisted.
But a Pakistani film director, who met Gulzar during his visit, told AFP on condition of anonymity that he left the country “because of some security concerns”.
Aman Ki Asha and Literary to Literary contact at its best. :)
Ab kia Hua????
@amit: Indian won 7 oscars??? 10 grammys??? WOW MAN I AM SOOOO IMPRESSED.
reciprocation by pakistan ?? as pakistanis were barred from Jaipur lit festival? not a good practice though if that is the case.
@amit: Rather than spending your time in the comments section, you should read the news once in a while. Pakistan has won an oscar.
Every time I cross Dina on the GT Road I always think to my self that Gulzar sb was born here before partition. I also always wondered whether he ever got a chance to visit his birthplace. This story does answer this question. A little sad my self.
Thats a shame. I admire Gulzar saab's poetry and contribution to indian movies music. He's extremely talented and experienced, which has nothing to do with India or Pakistan. An artist is an artist. If he wished to return, and for unknown reasons, we must not judge or become racially biased. I only hope he visits Pakistan again and give joy to his fans..!
@Pakistani: thanks buddy .u know 7 indians won more than 10 grammy awards and more than 6 indians(including gulzar saab) won oscar please compare and then compare ur industry with india .
Every time I cross Dina on the GT Road I always think about how Gulzar sb was born here and wondered whether he ever got a chance to visit his birthplace. This story does answer my question. A little sad my self.
@Amit: oh, are they giving out Oscars/grammies to Urdu/Punjabi poets now? refer to original comment by lalagee. Its a person's opinion about poetry, it is rather daft to get into a debate over a matter of taste.
@amit Actually, If you browse properly...you will find out that a Pakistani Documentary Film-maker Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy WON an Oscar last year for her documentary film. Do some research before talking man.
and definitely not the Nobel for literature
Shame! Is this the way to treat senior citizens if not celebrities.
@amit: Pakistan won an oscar last year.. just for your information!
Just read on Twitter: Turns out Gulzar returned to India because he had an emotional breakdown after seeing his hometown for the first time in 70 years.
not good news for pakistani artists in mumbai . @Lala Gee: nice joke i never hear any pakistani artists won oscar awards or grammy awards .lol
Aman Ki Asha Aman Ki Asha
Aman Ki Asha Aman Ki Asha
Aman Ki Asha Aman Ki Asha
Aman Ki Asha Aman Ki Asha
Aman Ki Asha Aman Ki Asha
Mr Bhardwaj told NDTV that the trip to Pakistan was made to record a song for his new film, 'Dedh Ishqia'.
"Gulzar Saab visited the grave of his mentor, an eminent poet Ahmed Nadeem Qasimi," Mr Bhardwaj said. "After that he visited his birth place Dina in Pakistan after 70 years. He was emotionally overwhelmed and stressed and felt uncomfortable after reaching at his hotel in Lahore. So we cancelled his recording and decide to escort him back to India and discontinued his journey further. There is nothing political about it. We plan to visit Pakistan again for recording as soon as Gulzar Saab feels better."
bon voyage!
Why? Was he mistreated in Pakistan? Please provide complete information. This report raises more questions than it answers.
This is what you call "Aman ki Asha" people to people contact shame on you Pakistan.
Really sad. read somewhere IHC was involved (though they deny that). True loss for KLF.
This is very intriguing given India-Pakistan tit for tat relations.Sad Gulzar sahib we respect you.
Suit yourself. Pakistani poets are much better anyway. Thanks for coming.
how will he be the keynote speaker (last para) if he has been sent back?