Ensuring our energy security

Letter April 24, 2012
It seems that protecting the interests of other countries is more important for our rulers.

ERFURT, GERMANY: This is with reference to Pervez Hoodbhoy’s article “Americans and Saudis: hands off Pakistan’s pipeline please!” (April 23). As far as our rulers are concerned, our national interest has always come in last. Thus,  it is no wonder that despite being neighbours of gas, and oil-rich Iran, we are so afraid of our masters Saudi Arabia and the US that we are not doing everything possible to resolve our energy crisis using Iran’s help.

It seems that protecting the interests of other countries is more important for our rulers. Fulfilling our role as a mercenary is obviously more important than taking care of our own interests.

Hasan Awan

Published in The Express Tribune, April 25th, 2012.