Making his case through Sharia
Making the state the respondent, Qadri’s attorneys maintained in the appeal that the ATC was not the relevant authority in the trial, arguing that the case should have been heard in the Federal Shariat Court. They pleaded that Qadri’s case didn’t fall under section 302 of the Pakistan Penal Code (the section under which he was convicted), as he had killed ‘a blasphemer while following the teaching of Islam’.
The appeal states that under section 6 of the Anti Terrorism Act, Qadri was not guilty of committing terrorism, as the murder of Taseer did not amount to ‘terror’, adding that the trial court had ignored Islamic jurisprudence laws.
“The decision of the ATC is illegal and the elements of terrorism as defined in section 6 of the Anti Terrorism Act are completely lacking in the present case,’’ maintained his lawyers.
The lawyers added in the appeal that ATC judge announced the death sentence without hearing the point of view of the defendant, which is also against the law.
Citing his supporters
Qadri’s lawyers further contended that there was no evidence on record to show that any panic or sense of insecurity was created among the public at the time of his murder which could help define the act as terrorism – instead, people ‘heaved a sigh of relief after the killing of the blasphemer’.
Chief Justice IHC Iqbal Hameedur Rehman accepted the appeal and fixed the date for argument on October 11. The Divisional Bench of the IHC will most likely hear the case.
Over dozens of Sunni Ittehad Council activists and Qadri supporters gathered in front of the IHC and raised slogans in favour of the self-proclaimed murderer. The demonstrators also raised slogans against Judge Syed Pervez Shah for awarding him the death sentence.
Published in The Express Tribune, October 7th, 2011.
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A delay in justice is injustice itself... He has clearly confessed twice during hearing in ATC and hence there has been an obvious conviction. He murdered a statesman it was a brutal assassination. What the hell is he appealing for? to let him live and create more insane people like him.
The theocracy and fundamentalism have almost ruined us!
Qadri why dont u just blow ur self up ul get ur 70 Hoorsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
so save us all the trouble of facing traffic jams caused by rallies for you .
"This decision is illegal and baseless..." Qadri's lawyer
Yes.. and Killing a person is pretty much legal and justified. !!! Wah mufti sahib wah!
@DiggVijay Singh I understand your humanism. But unfortunately our society needs a deterrent against any repetition of such actions.
Someone Said a BRILLIANT Line.
'Ghaazi Saahab Shahadat se Darr gaye' :P
(Ghazi means a champion/Warrior, Simple words - Warrior scared of getting Martyred :P )
Justice delayed is justice denied ... and as they say "justice should be done, though the heavens may fall". this fanatic beast should be eliminated sooner possible and his colleagues put behind bars
What a coward and liar. This exposes how hypocritical all these holier than thou Mullah types are. They talk about how they are so brave but in the face of death for committing crimes, they are unable to face it.
If Qadri will make, sign, and go on TV to say "I was wrong. The Blasphemy Law should be appealed. Islam does not allow any murder. I apologize deeply to the family of Mr. Taseer and the people of Pakistan for my unacceptable and inexcusable crime. Terrorism and violence in the name of religion is and has always been wrong. Please give me mercy", then offer him life in prison with no ability to be paroled or let out. If not, have him executed in private, and bury him at sea like they did with OBL so there is no memorial to this awful man.
What? Hes appealed his death sentence? I thought he was all about meeting his maker as quickly as possible?
I agree with most of the sentiments, this man needs to be punished accordingly based on the laws of Pakistan.
If he has a sudden change of heart, and sees that he is wrong, than he should openly admit it in a public forum and receive his punishment. Like some one said, saying that he is wrong and was wrong in killing a human being because of being incited would be a blow to those that incite this nonsense.
My question is this, and I'm just an outsider looking in, so forgive me if this comes out ignorantly, but what is the perception of the governor murdered? Was he a well-liked? Was he corrupt? What was the reason he gave to killing? Would you say the reason for him killing was cultural or religious?
I only ask these questions because we are given one story here in the U.S., so I'd like to know more, if you guys know more. Thanks in advance!
Quadri betrayed his trust and murdered the person he swore to protect. I was wondering when he goes up to his Maker Kingdom. Will the God, His Angels and the Hoor trust him with a gun?? Dosent sound like he may qualify for the trip.
Justice delayed is justice denied ... and as they say "justice should be done, though the heavens may fall". this fanatic beast should be eliminated sooner possible and his colleagues put behind bars..
@Sag-e-Raza: seriously how can you ask for forgiving a killer, a fanatic? saving him will be killing humanity.
Cant do the time - don't commit the crime
Am in SouthEast Asian region and there`s coverage of this event in all news channels. This apart, even the business channels like CNBC, Bloomberg are showing business news like this.
Our image is taking a beating & infact, these kinds of broadcast will create a very strong bad impression in the hearts and minds of people around the world. We must do something urgently or the people will consider us as militantish. This is my genuine concern.
@Asad: "If people correctly understand Islam and follow it correctly, then this violence will greatly reduce." Please, Asad, enlighten me. Was Qadri correctly following and understanding Islam when he shot Taseer? Are the people who take Shiites off a bus and execute them understanding and following Islam correctly? Are the people who murder Ahmadis for being Ahmadis understanding and following Islam correctly? Are the people who blow themselves and others up at Sufi shrines understanding and following Islam correctly? Are the people who fly planes into buildings murdering thousands understanding and following Islam correctly? Very interested in your perspective.
@Khan: You killed a Muslim, our Prophet did not teach this. I am slightly confused. Please tell me if killing a non Muslim was taught ?
I believe that he should totally be hanged. Taking the life of someone else is totally prohibited, not only in Islam but in all religions. Its a heinous crime. The perils Pakistan will face if he is hanged is that there will be mayhem all over the country by the mullahs! What will be do about that?
@Arifa Batool: I will say wrapped thinking. Tell me exactly why these 2 "innocent" people were shot dead by Raymond Davis ?
Oh, somebody is afraid of dying but not killing.
ET, please amend your heading to 'Qadri appeals against death sentence'. Such mistakes are unacceptable from a prominent english daily like yours.
Yo Qadri! Why fight for life on this lousy planet when 72 virgins are eagerly waiting for you in heaven?
@ Niaz Husain Shah
The verse of the Glorious QURAN which you quote is incomplete; here is the complete verse:
"Killing a humanbeing, Unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the Land, is like killing the entire humanity".
So if a person is spreading mischief in the land or is a killer of an innocent person, then their murder is not like the murder of the entire humanity. Blasphemers spread great mischief in the land by hurting the sentiments of the vast majority. From Qadri's perspective Taseer was spreading mischief by trying to repeal the blasphemy law and siding with a blasphemer.
Salam.why qadri does not want go heaven.he should not appeal agaist death sentence.ha ha ha
Actually the ATC is meant to pass sentences on terrorists only and terrorists are those who indiscriminately kill ordinary People (members of the public). so by definition Qadri is NOT a terrorist...he did not target ordinary people. Qadri killed Taseer due to the latter's opposition of the blasphemy law. So this is more like a murder done as a result of enmity or grudge. So Qadri should have been tried at an ordinary criminal court and NOT the ATC. From a legal perspective the verdict of the ATC is null and void as this case does not fall under the remit of ATC. Qadri should be tried afresh again at an ordinary criminal court.
First of all Qadri should study QUR'AN with meanings. He is a brutal killer.
Those so called mullas supporting him should consult Quran & Hadith first. Qadri was paid to protect Salman Taseer and it was his duty to lay down his life to save Governor. But to get the cheap popularity he killed Salman Taseer.
With his appeal to vegetate further in this world as a cold-blooded murderer rather blissfully departing towards his Heaven, he and his associates have exposed their satanic characters. If they were 100% sure of their Heaven, then he/they would be instead celebrating a wonderful festival all over the country.
@Nauman Ghauri: @Sag-e-Raza: What kind of messages ET is propagating? No editorial discretion?
Why Abolish death penalty and not hang Qadri - the killer of Governor Taseer? Here is a reason: http://nblo.gs/o0BDT
The best scenario at this moment will be to let Qadri ADMIT that he was wrong. This will be a psychological blow to religious parties. Throw him the lifeline IF he admits that he was brainwashed by the useless mulla brigade. If not hang him and make him an example.
If Qadri thinks he did the right thing then why is he scared of death? why he is going into appeal. He is an emotional coward. When people talk about Raymond Davis that why he is free - he paid blood money to the family of the victims. If Taseer's family agree on blood money then Qadri can go free. Simple as that. Qadri has gone against the the teaching of Islam i.e. Quran and Sunnah and he should be punished for that. Our so-called religious parties are expecting political gains over the Qadri issue. Why they never protest over corruption? why they never protest against killing of Christians?
@Sag-e-Raza & Nauman Ghauri: Will you be ecstatic if some 'mard-e-momin' accuses your family member of 'blasphemy' and promptly murders him?
Blind faith is a curse on this nation, much worse than illiteracy and poverty. God, and his prophet, is in no need of protection by wretched fanatics.
@ Sag-e-Raza: The law of Pakistan also considers every man's life sacred and every man innocent unless proven guilty. Did Mumtaz Qadri give Salman Taseer the opportunity to explain his statements or defend himself in court? If he denied Salman Taseer his right to a trial under the constitution, and gunned him down just because he wanted to, why should Mumtaz Qadri be given all those rights?
Don't do to others what you would not like to be done to you.
Shame on Mumtaz Qadri and all those hypocrites who support him and his murderous ways.
can we please get rid of him...like fast ?
ZAB was hanged in record time Let us see how long it takes for this man to be hanged.
@mohammad iqbal: Hahahhaaa.... RUSH OF BLOOD ... and he said himself that he took time to think about wat he WANTS TO DO and he CONSULTED people as wel....
Rush of a blood would have been an instant decision and i am sorry but i think he should be SENT TO HEAVEN FOR THE NOBEL DEED.
Blasphemy law is a black law in Pakistan. People get the advantage and kill their enemies. This law has no connection with Holy Quran teachings. The Holy Quran does not allow anyone to kill or punish other person for this reason. May God shows them the right path.
Murder is murder.. and eye for an eye... no one is above the law!.. I hope that he's made an example for others who attempt to sway the scales of justice with their extremist ideologies..
@Arifa Batool
Raymond gave 20 crore in Diyat. I am against the concept of blood money.
@Sag-e-Raza: He did kill a person, remember what the Prophet said about killing one innocent human is like killing all mankind. also the Prophet did say that we should turn a blind eye on blasphemy and let God be the better judge of them
Prediction: his appeal will be rejected. If the appeal is accepted, the PAK court will look weak.
His lawyer will appeal for presidential clemency. All right wing parties will protest, disrupt the governance of PAK years from now.
No political party can shy away from the clemency, if they want to win the election. So, intimately he will be free and lawyers will be throwing rose petals on his release from jail.
He will become an icon for rightwing parties.
@Sag-e-Raza: That argument goes in favour of TTP, too. In their view, they want to please Allah and Prophet only. They have no personal hostility against the children and women and civilians that they kill. Are their actions justified and legal?
And this argument also goes for Khawarij when they decided to kill Hazrat Ali. They had no personal enmity with Hazrat Ali. They just wanted peace and decided to kill Hazrat Ali and Abu Mauwia. Was their act justified and legal?
Suicide bombers also don’t kill for their own sake. Quran has not prescribed any punishment for blasphemy, but has declared murder a major sin which should be punishable by death. Criticism of man-made blasphemy law does not amount to blasphemy. Use your own mind; don’t rely on mullahs.
Their should be a deal of blood money just like Ramon Davis.
@mohammad iqbal: It was no rush of blood. He had planned the killing and had informed some of his colleagues as well not to open fire on him when he kills ST. This was his personal statement supported by other security men as well. His lawyers later changed the story to delay his flight to heavens.
"qadri deserves a hearing. May be he has realized having committed mistake in a rush of blood" there s a reason why anger is haram in islam ...perhaps he missed that lesson
Murder is Murder. We all are entitled to our own opinion. That does not mean we go killing others. He should be punished
Lot of innocent women and children are still in the jails.But why only Asia got Taseer's attention.He made a last mistake of his life to gain some internal and external political gains..
I don't think this decision has been made by Qadri by himself. My surmise is that his admirers and followers, out of their emotional attachment to him, have persuaded him forcefully to appeal the death sentence. A rare and sadistic punishment like the death sentence cannot be awarded at mere whims and all the legal hurdles have to be successfully crossed. I'd say, let the law take its own course. Meanwhile, as a humanist, I am appalled to see how apparently liberal people have joined the shrill chorus of demanding another human being's life. Where is the element of mercy, the milk of human kindness in their soul? Are these the paragons of liberalism and non-violence? No fellow human's death should call for celebration.
Fight for your life, Qadri. The hoors can wait.
qadri deserves a hearing. May be he has realized having committed mistake in a rush of blood.
Why are you not getting reward of a noble action abruptly? Why are you delaying man??? If you think your action was justified and right you are eligible of heaven can't understand why are you delaying??? Go man go and get reward, why you are in doubt now????
He got death sentence for a murder, where as Raymond Davis is still enjoying his vacations in USA after killing 2 innocent Pakistani civilians. PS: I am NOT in favour of what Mumtaz Qadri did and my comment DOES NOT implies that I am against court's decision. A murderer should be punished.
Now he has woken up from his dream in which killing human could possibly be the key to heaven. This case could be a lesson for those who think after they perform.
A man who went beyond every law, justice, shariaah, deen o emaan and courts is begging for his life, from the very same courts whom he has spitted and insulted...whatever the courts of states decide abt his fate...surely Allah and Rasool (PBUH) would curse this filthy animal...my request to all the courts is that, not only he should be hanged till death, all of his jaahil leaders who trained this animal should also be charged with the same crime....
and poor folks on street kept thinking that His holiness Qadri sahab wanted shahadat, as he had done such a noble deed. :) sweet, isnt it ?
Didn't he want to die and end up in heaven? I guess he reconsidered his priorities.